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KuyaKoala.com is operational and we're excited to introduce our brand new series in space! Stay tuned!

  • video

    Learn to Count from 1 to 10 with Kuya Koala!

    Sing along and teach your kid how to count from 1 to 10 with this fun nursery rhyme all about numbers.

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  • 10,000 Views! Wow!

    10k Thanks!

    Our first baby sensory video made it to 10,000 views. We're celebrating the milestone!

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  • video

    Relax and Stimulate Your Baby with a Calm, Rainy Day Video

    Calm Rainy Day High Contrast Baby Sensory Video For Newborns And Infants Kuya Koala

    Enjoy a calm rainy day indoors and engage your infant's senses with high-contrast images and playful, soothing music.

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